Monday 25 April 2011

30 day challenge: Day 1

Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts

Well, I'm Ali and I'm from a small town in the North-West of England. It's a beautiful part of the country really. Ten minutes east and you have the stunning Lake District, and to the west is the Solway. We've got some of the nicest beaches in the country; I really am proud to be West Cumbrian. I'm 25, and I love being in my 20s. It's so much easier than being a teenager, don't you think? I married my "high-school sweetheart" when I was 22, and I am blissfully happy. This is something about myself that I don't shy away from, and that I am not ashamed of. We've got a lovely black labrador called Rosie; she's our baby until we're blessed enough to have an actual child, and even then we'll still spoil her rotten! 

As well as being lucky in love, I've got a great group of friends. Some I have met in more recent years, some I have been friends with for most of my life. All are truly appreciated. Before friends comes family, and I have a BIG family. Two sisters, who are my world really. My mam is an absolute superstar, as is my step-dad. My dad is wonderful too, and I love him and his partner to pieces. Then there's my true idol, Nanna Moo. She's my favourite person, and an inspiration. I was lucky enough to marry into a fabulous family. Again, I appreciate my family very much so. 

I'm not implying that my life is perfect, far from it. But I will stand up and say that my husband, friends and my family are all I need in my life, and to introduce myself properly I need to get this fact across. 

My husband and I this weekend in Liverpool

15 facts about me...

  1. I work at the school I went to when I was a teenager. 
  2. I have 2 sisters who are twins.
  3. I have only kissed one man in my "adult" life!! 
  4. I can no longer handle my drink and fear having alcohol and I am therefore pretty much sober now. 
  5. I have a large number of "lady crushes" but I'm not gay. 
  6. I'm a total drama queen and a bit vain, but the most loyal and friendly person you'll meet.
  7. I still have two "baby teeth". 
  8. I married my first real boyfriend... we've been together over eight years now.
  9. I hope to move to South Africa someday.
  10. I was a happy accident but prefer to say "a medical miracle".
  11. I always wanted a middle name so for years I lied and said it was Louise
  12. I have an IQ of 136...
  13. My first "memory" is getting peas on a plane and not liking them... I've never tasted peas since. 
  14. I often dream things and think they really happened!
  15. My dream job would be a party planner or a writer! 

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